10 Paint by Number Tips: Lori’s Paints

Check out these 10 easy tips to do for your first paint by numbers kit. Presented by Lori’s Paints Reviews.

1.Relax and have fun.
Paint by Numbers is designed to be fun and relaxing to do. Don’t stress over it. If you mess up, you can always let it dry and paint over it.

2. Add plenty of extra coats
Don’t skimp out on applying plenty of paint. Our kits supply you with more than enough paint to add extra coatings beyond just the base layer. If you think certain areas look streaky or pale, add extra layers to help the entire painting look bolder, smoother, and more polished. Two thick layers should be plenty, but don’t be afraid to add more to get the vividness you’re looking for.

3. Thin your paints with water
A lot of paint by number newbies don’t realize acrylic paint is water-soluble. So thin your paints with water if you find them to be too thick. Not only will you get more paint to work with, but thinner, more watery paints can create some super cool effects.

4. Double-check you’re using the correct color
Now, we know this might sound ridiculously obvious, but one of the most simple paint by number tips is to make sure you’re painting with the correct color. We know firsthand how relaxing painting can and should be, but that makes it all too easy to get carried away in a trance. So enjoy yourself, but remember to double-check the color before you apply the paint. Don’t lose track of the method!

5. Don’t shy away from adding personal touches
Paint by numbers might well be about sticking to the regimented rules, but rules are meant to be broken sometimes, right? Don’t shy away from diverging away from certain numbers and colors if you’re feeling confident enough with your guesswork. Remember: There’s no rights or wrongs with artistic expression! So feel free to add personal touches or extra embellishments beyond the basic elements of the kit design. Embrace your creativity and let your imagination run freely.

6. Choose the right difficulty level for you

7. Cover up the numbers
One of the best paint by number tips is to cover up the numbers before you apply the paint. Sometimes the designated number on the canvas can show through the paint if the consistency is thin or the color is a lighter shade. So use a simple white pencil to cover this up. The number should stop showing underneath if you apply a thicker extra layer too.

8. Use sealant
Want to know how to make paint by numbers look better after you’ve finished? Well, all you have to do is use a sealant! Not only will it help protect the painting from the elements, but it will also give it a shinier and professional-looking varnish too. Your new masterpiece deserves only the very best finishing touch!

9. Doublecheck everything and apply the last finishing touches!

10. Show off your fantastic artwork!
Once you are done get your painting framed and smile at your masterpiece!

11. Reread the 10 Paint by Numbers Tips.

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